
Could not resolve, Android Studio

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While implementing Push Notifications, I get this error Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration I’ve installed Google Play Services and Google Repository using SDK manager and added the following dependencies in gradle file dependencies { compile ‘’ …. } When I run the app, I see following error, Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:library:_debugCompile’. […]

Android Studio

Gradle error, Could not find method jcenter() for arguments [] on repository container

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Could not find method jcenter() When i tried to see project dependencies using gradle command in Android Studio Terminal, I get following error,Could not find method jcenter() for arguments [] on repository container. project_path>gradle -q dependencies app FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. Where: Build file ‘projectpathbuild.gradle’ line: 4 What went wrong: A problem occurred […]

Android Multiple dex files define, Android Studio

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After moving an Eclipse project to Android Studio work space, and build project (Make Project), I see Build successful but when I run the project… I get the following exception, Multiple dex files define Error:Execution failed for task ‘:<projectname>:dexDebug’. > Failed to run command: <home>AppDataLocalAndroidsdkbuild-tools21.1.2dx.bat –dex –no-optimize –output <home>AndroidStudioProjects<projectpath>buildintermediatesdexdebug –input-list=<home>AndroidStudioProjects<projectpath>buildintermediatestmpdexdebuginputList.txt Error Code:2 Output: UNEXPECTED […]